Documentary Civil Rights in Criminal Justice

Project Planning Form adapted from Dr. Margery Ginsberg (copyright) used with permission


Name: Intro to CRJ Spring 2018

Date: March 29, 2018

Nuts and Bolts

Project name: The Film: The illegalization of human movement: Hunters and Hunted

Sketch: The problem of labelling immigrants affects us all; Yet, police systems have created a hunter/hunted society. This is not a new occurrence and the most present example is the rise of Nazi Germany and the following surveillance states. This film captures points of view of both hunters and hunted to follow a thrilling psychological journey into the minds of the American experience today. Through sociological surveys, narrative interviews (audio and visual), youtube video captures, and adopted and original text, this short film (35 minutes) presents a classic structure of characters, conflict, and resolution.


To Do: Calendar:

• separated in to 3 groups conflict , people who are in charge of having everything in order and video recording for are documentary and come together as a whole group
• then we started thinking of topics discrimination sparked an interest by 2 of are class mates so we used both ideas of police discrimination and immigration and broke the class in 2 groups not including video recording people
• so to break down how society feels we did a survey of 5 questions for police discrimination and another 5 for immigration for people to give out during the break and then share results coming back to class .
Production Team:
– Identify Theme
– Survey Presentation, Interviews, Clips, Other?
– Storyboard Sequence


Connections to other learning experiences

How project relates to goals: personal, academic or career

Helpful literature

Other resources

Key points to include in a statement of purpose

Get feedback and approval from educator




The big idea (inquiry)

The driving question re: student learning

How does the presentation (Video/Audio/Text) of information related to policing (law enforcement) and immigration (migration of people) systems/law affect public learning about the criminal justice system and the recent immigration debate?

When are you most likely to be intrinsically motivated and engaged in learning ?

The driving question re: theory

Transformative Learning Theory & Threshold Learning

What do I need to learn in order to teach this project process in ways that are motivating?

Demonstrating of Understanding

Major product: Final Film (screen at final and online) or screen snow day reschedule –

How will I demonstrate understanding and skills?

A trusted colleague with whom I can share insights once I have completed the project

Possible extension activities

Approach to an Excellent Final Product

How will I ensure excellence

Rubrics and reading/ assignments notes I will use as I organize my culminating paper/ project

A critical friend to help me edit my final product (can be anybody)

Feedback tools to assess the experience from the perspective of the student or teacher (optional)

Presentation to a school or network (optional)

Creative Products/ Artwork (optional)

Activities that support implementation of the entire process





What I will need and who will help me

Human resources: Student work, group collaboration, surveys, interviews, editing, screening.

Technical resources: computers, recording equipment, flyers, surveys.

Community resources: