

I use this website to allow students alternatives to the Blackboard system.

On this page, by scrolling down, you will find:

The syllabus (click here) , Frequently Asked Questions with Answers; MajorAssignment List; and Weekly Assignment Info. PLUS

The Welcome Video:




Major Assignments as they relate to your course grade:

  1. 20% Quiz Week 4: click here
  2. 30% Letter to a Judge Draft 1 due by April 23rd via email to [email protected] as WORD.DOC
  3. 10% Final Letter to a Judge with Symbol and Bio of a Judge & Case Paragraph due by end of semester via email as WORD.DOC
  4.  10% 1 page class review sheet emailed as WORD.DOC
  5. 25% Final Exam


Frequently Asked Questions:

A. Why should I complete assignments that are not listed above? In order to get the 10 percent participation grade you must complete all assignments. I will provide one type of feedback by analysing and discussing your peer responses, like in a classroom, so that you can hear different points of view as well as my professoinal analysis.

B. How will I know “how I am doing” in this class? It is a common expectation that you keep track of your own work. Also, intrinsic motivation, your reasons for taking this course, almost never are limited to getting a grade. You should know whether you are learning something you value. As far as the course grade, this is a mandated task that is based on college learning outcomes provided to me. The 5 assignments listed are those that best provide you an opportunity to evidence your learning of those outcomes. The other assignments help you prepare for this assessment.

C. Will I get feedback or confirmation for everything I submit? At this time there is no technology available through Kingsborough that would allow for this in high quality or that would follow federal laws and guidelines. When you submit a google form I get it just like when you send an email provided you push the submit button. You should always keep copies of your work. I will let you know if you are missing anything that would affect your grade and give you time to submit it.

D. Is there a book for this class? There is no textbook for this class. I provide the free course materials. IF you want a recommendation to buy a book related to this course, feel free to email me. I have several based on your particular interests and needs.


Weekly Assignments: to view short weekly video lectures click here

Week 1: Click here

Week 2: Click here.

In Week 2 I allow for the You be the Judge assignment to be completed if you were unable to get this done in week 1. You may also want to re-complete this assignment if you felt like you rushed through it or want to give a different response after viewing the Disucssion Board.

Week 3: Click here

Take the Week 3 Check in Survey by clicking here

Week 4: Click here

To enter your self-grade so far, click here

Week 5: Click here

Assignments for Weeks 6 to end of semester will be uploaded at a later date.