66_Winter 2021_Constitutional Law

Live-Recorded Exam Review Session on Monday, February 15, from 6:30 – 8:00 PM. If you cannot make the session do not worry, I will record it.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 952 2950 7401
Passcode: 280241



This class is about Revolutions.

Some questions that will guide us through our journey are: What right does a group of people have to overthrow a ruling group of people? Why should a group of people reject a structure of government of the past – like monarchy and aristocracy or theocracy? When does violence become necessary, vital, or even morally justified? What form of government, if any, should people adopt and how should it be organized, managed, and changed?

What do you already know about the Constitutional Revolution in the United States?

FIRST:  Click here to complete this required Google Form about what you already know about constitutions.

SECOND: Click here to complete this required Google Form about what you already know about power and injustice.

THEN: scroll down to complete a short reading and to complete two surveys that will help me get to know you better.

What are your expectations in college?

FIRST Complete this Diagnostic: Click here for reading and then after you read the article  click here for the Google Form.

Next if you are a criminal justice student or are interested in becoming one please complete this brief CRJ Interest Survey. Click here

Then, scroll down to go over the Course Requirements.

Introduction to the Course Work: Getting Started.

In this class you will have two options for your final project: 1) a research paper on the problem of homelessness and the social response as a criminal or deviant choice; or 2) a socio-legal working paper drafting a proposal for a community constitution. In either case you will submit a draft on or before February 1.

FIRST Click here to review Resesarch Project Instructions and

then complete this Google Form: click here

How can I prepare now for the Final Exam?

Final Exam Worksheet: click here for the worksheet.


Once you are settled in and ready to begin reviewing course materials, scroll down.

Part 1 – Learning Outcomes Baseline Assignment:    Week 1-2

I want you to start out by getting familiar with some stories, we will call narratives, about the relationship between constitutions and social change. We want to think deeply about the relationships between law as an institution of customs and rules that creates roles and role power, an ideological narrative, and instruments of power within multiple options and strategies to use as a tool for social change and why some groups choose to use this tool over others, like violence, religion, or protest.


Begin by watching these videos about Revolutions and rebellions available on this page or by going to this Youtube Playlist:




For additional extra credit, Watch this Documentary: 13th. For extra credit, fill out this google form. Click here

Next, I want you to think about how to apply the learning outcomes that have been presented to us by John Jay and the Kingsborough admnistrations:

If you are a CRJ student, you are being asked to: Critically analyze the social response to crime and the practice of criminal justice.

If you are a Liberal Arts student, you are being asked to Comprehend the methods of inquiry.

We want to think about these learning outcomes by applying a urgent social problem, a theme of the Course: Homelessness as caused by Displacement: Economic, Social, Natural, and Relational.

FIRST: Click here to Review this Hypo about a lawyer advocating for change: Homelessness in Seattle and New York.


If you are a CRJ (Justice Academy) Student: Click here to complete this form.

If you are a LIberal Arts Student: Click here to complete this form.

Once you have completed Part 1 you are now able to start Part 2. You should begin Part 2 no later than January 12th.


Part 2 – Exploring constitutions, law, power, and rights. Week 3

A.FIRST Review the Homelessness Map and then at least 1 other map below.

Homelessness: click here

THEN review at least one of these maps below:

2) Migration: click here

3) Segregation: click here

4) Flood Zones: click here

5) Black Historical Sites: click here

B. NEXT, Review these 2 Historical Primary Sources:

1) Atlantic Slave Trade: click here

and THEN

2) Choose 1 country to review the constitution:

a. South African Constitution: click here

b. Uzbekistan Constitution: click here

c. European Union Constitution: click here

d. China Constitution: click here

e. Russian Constitution: click here

f. Kingsborough Constitution: click here

C. And then Review  at least two (as one set) of these Legal Cases:

Race Based Revolution: 1) Scott v. Sandford: click here    AND 2) Plessy v, Ferguson: click here

Gender & Sexuality Based Revolution: 3) Planned Parenthood v. Casey: click here    AND 4) Miller v. California: click here

Culture Based Resolution: 5) Hamdan v. Rumsfeld: click here  AND 6) Hawaii v. Trump: click here


So far you have completed quite a bit of work! Let’ s pause to check in and prepare for the Midterm Exam to see how well you are understanding the material and how well you are able to apply the material.

Let’s Check in: Questions and Answers: ZOOM (Mandatory attendance at one of three sessions)


January 19: 4PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 971 6013 4373
Passcode: 202766

January 19: 7PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 4992 6137
Passcode: 419220

January 21: 3PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 969 6612 1902
Passcode: 753463


Midterm Exam: Click here to take the midterm exam no later than January 22nd. Grades will be posted on Blackboard Grade Center on January 24th. 


If you have fallen behind this is the BEST TIME to contact me so I can help you get back on track. Your next major assignment is the Rough Draft due February 1.


BY February 1st you need to turn in a very rough draft so do not worry about spelling, grammar, etc. I am looking for your concepts at this point.

Part 3 – Applying Knowledge about Law and Power: Human Agency and Language.                                        Week 5 and 6.

For extra credit click here: 4th Amendment and Policing Learning Activity & Google Form

A. FIRST Review these Video Lectures: click here to review.

B. THEN Complete these Google Forms.  (CONCEPTUAL CHANGE RESEARCH)

C. Take this Practice Final Exam. Click here

Check in: Questions and Answers: ZOOM (Optional attendance at one of three sessions)

By Feburary 13th: Turn in Final Research Paper with 3 more pages: What human rights do homeless folks have and how can they use those rights to resist law enforcement or to advocate for a change in the laws? If you are completing the alternative community constitution paper you need to organize the data you collected for your draft answering: What conclusions do you make about how do construct a community constitution? How did you define community? Who is not included in this definition of community? Do you lean towards social resistance or social control?  You should be sure to include my feedback in your revisions.

Imprortant: If you are a CRJ student you need to include an analysis of the social response to crime, generalizing using the homeless-vagrancy example (or a community problem) and compare that to at least one other crime, and to analyze the enforcement of that law by cops, judges, corrections officers, and post-incarceration (or prisoner re-entry services). If you are a Liberal Arts student you need to include a description of the method of inquiry you used, two methods you did not use, and why you chose the method you did. Click here for project instructions.

LAST Complete the Final Exam on February 18th: CONCEPTUAL CHANGE + LEARNING OUTCOME + INTEREST sruvey





Final Exam: 20%

Midterm Exam: 25%

Draft Paper: 20%

Final Paper: 30%

Assignments: 5%

Extra Credit: 20%


Final Exam Rubric:

F to C-

B- to C

A- to B+

A+ to A

Midterm Exam Rubric:

F to C-

B- to C

A- to B+

A+ to A

Paper Rubric:

Drafts will be graded as A, B or C

A = Followed all instructions and had substantive answers to questions.

B= Followed most instructions and had descriptive answers to questions.

C= Struggled to follow instructions and had answers that were not original.

Returned with warning = these responses evidence plagarism or a failure to think independently.

Final Papers will be grades as A, B, C.

A= responded constructively to instructor feedback and addressed mandated learning outcome clearly.

B= struggled to implement instructor feedback and struggled to evidence understanding of course content.

C= attempted to follow instructions but work was inconsistent or significantly late.

No credit = requires major revision and must be turned in by final exam in order to be counted. May request a INC if more time is needed.