Critical Participatory Action Research + Digital
- Inquiry Question
- In Reflection: Identity, Agency, Advocacy – a cultivation
- Dialogue over monologue
- Social Science Readings: a literature review of empricial theory
- Legal Case: an interpretation of legal decision-making
- Action Research Project:
- Study of Institutions based on scholarly sources: synthesis
- Fieldwork of interviews, surveys, or other observation of ideology: analysis
- Reflect and Discuss (theorizing) how instruments of legal power exclude and include members of a legal jurisdiction; analyze compliance and resistance within, and examine alternative modes of existence using actor network theory.
Measuring Our Progress of Teaching and Learning
Before Digital Tools the measurement and assessment of teaching and learning was difficult. While there are still difficulties in the correct organization and analysis of our efforts the process has become simpler and more efficient. This is the D in CPAR + D.
P-PRIM: Most students believe the legal system is a simplistic “other” maintained for a specific purpose by a group of unknown actors. This monolith is seen as a source and administrator of justice and is viewed as unrelated to economics, legislatures, independent actors and groups, and natural events. Most view the courts as a source of fairness where individuals are mostly treated the same with exceptions being based on bias or prejudice.