Online Syllabus

Online Learning with Jason Leggett
Constitutional Law Section: Pol 6600-05 (5753)

Online Learning

Constitutional Law is designed for, but not limited to, students interested in a pre-law curriculum. United States Supreme Court decisions and opinions in several major areas of constitutional law will be studied. Successful completion of this course satisfies one Civic Engagement interaction. This is an online learning class and we will be using CUNY Blackboard, CUNY ACADEMIC COMMONS, GOOGLE FORMS. CUNY IT suggests you use the Mozilla Firefox web browser and you should always make sure the Adobe software is up to date for pdf readings.

My Information:
Office Hours: D-221 on Wednesdays 9-10:20 & 1:50 – 3:00 or by appointment.
Email: [email protected]

Course Website:

Required Materials:
Law and Identity, Publisher: University Readers, Preliminary Edition, Year Published: 2017. Please contact 800.200.3908 x5603 with any questions.

American Legal History: A Very Short Introduction, Publisher: Oxford University Press, First Edition, Year Published: 2014.
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the semester students should memorize and utilize new vocabulary to engage with others in a dialogue about what constitutional law can mean and form research based (informed) conclusions about issues in law under a constitution. You will be graded on the additional “college readiness” outcomes below.

Important outcomes for college readiness include:
Reading Comprehension
Writing Skills
Organizing Skills
Self-Learning Assessment

Grading: This is a points-based class and follows the standard 4.0 college scale. Reading Quizzes: up to 32 points ; MIDTERM AND FINAL Exam up to 46 points, Thought Papers: up to 32 points. Extra credit is available.

Kingsborough values a measurement of your ability to:

Assess information from a variety of sources by locating, reading, commenting on, and listening actively to other points of view about that information;

Critically examine (apply understanding), in verbal and written form, how the courts, and law as an extension, affect society through scientific observation and individual experience;

Analyze the american legal system as a collective decision making institution, co- equal branch of democratic government through critical theories in social sciences and the humanities (liberal arts);

Examine by theorizing (create) about the basic structure of the U.S legal and political systems, including the functions, historical and modern, of the courts particularly as they relate to global problems and democratic rule of law.

According to the student and faculty handbooks The college allows for you to miss 6 hours of this course for any reason. This means that you will not be monitored while you are conducting this class. You are allowed to make up work at your own pace. While those students who work regularly tend to get better grades, we all know life events can interfere with the ability to achieve this goal. If you are having trouble attending or foresee absences above 6 hours please see me as soon as possible or email me so that we might find alternatives.

AAS (D205, 718-368-5175) provides appropriate accommodations and assistance to students with disabilities. Please contact them if needed.

Course Outline by clicking here.