Constitutional Law



Constitutional Law is designed for, but not limited to, students interested in a pre-law curriculum. United States Supreme Court decisions and opinions in several major areas of constitutional law will be studied. Successful completion of this course satisfies one Civic Engagement interaction.

My Information:
Office Hours: D-221 on Mondays,  10:20-11:20 or by appointment.


Course Website:

Required Materials:

The Law and Identity Reader: Cultivating Understanding, Agency, and Advocacy (First Edition)

For purchasing information, visit the Course Overview page.
















Learning Outcomes:
By the end of the semester students should memorize and utilize new vocabulary to engage with others in a dialogue about constitutional law as it relates to society, civic identity, agency and empowerment, and the mobilization of rights.

You will be graded on the additional “college readiness” outcomes below.
Important outcomes for college readiness include:
Reading Comprehension
Writing Skills
Organizing Skills
Self-Learning Assessment

Assess information from a variety of sources by locating, reading, commenting on, and listening actively to other points of view about that information;

Critically examine (apply understanding), in verbal and written form, how the courts, and law as an extension, affect society through scientific observation and individual experience;

Analyze the Law through collective decision making institutions, co- equal branches of democratic government through critical theories in social sciences and the humanities (liberal arts);

Examine by theorizing (creating ideas) about the basic structure of the U.S legal and political systems, including the functions, historical and modern, of the courts particularly as they relate to global problems and democratic rule of law and form research based (informed) conclusions about issues in Society.

Grades as a Final Assessment and evidence of competence.

Active and consistent Participation: 10%
Exams: 30%
Assignments & Quizzes 30%
Discussion Questionsa and Final Project: 30%.

According to the student and faculty handbooks The college allows for you to miss 6 hours of this course for any reason. While those students who attend every class tend to get better grades we all know life events can interfere with the ability to achieve this goal. If you are having trouble attending or foresee absences above 6 hours please see me as soon as possible or email me so that we might find alternatives. *Students who do not respond to the first Google Form assignments will be dropped at VOA period (see Kingsborough Academic Calendar) or receive a grade of WU (Withdrawl).

AAS (D205, 718-368-5175) provides appropriate accommodations and assistance to students with disabilities. Please contact them if needed. Feel free to meet with me to discuss any other or additional accomodations. I work to create a classroom environment that is conducive to all students.

You must purchase the book before completing assignments. Email me at if you have questions.

Week 1


Welcome Letter by email – please check your Kingsborough Email, or the email you provided in CUNY First, or email me and I can email you the Welcome Letter.

First Assignment: Welcome Questions. Please complete the assignment by clicking here.

Second Assignment: Inquiry Question 1: complete assignment by clicking here

Third Assignment: Complete this Attendance Verification as soon as possible by clicking here.

Week 2

Section 1 Democracy is not a spectator sport

First Major Reading Assignment – Course Reader: Originalism, the lesser evil.

Click here for a video interview.

Course Reader: I am tired of being labelled.

Click here for video interview.

Course Reader: Miller v. California & Robert Mapplethorpe.

Assignment: Click here for Discussion Questions

Week 3

Section 1 Continued…

Course Reader: Scott v. Sandford.

Click here for video.

Course Reader: In Reflection. Click here.

Assignment:  Reading Quiz 1. Click here.

Week 4

Section 2: Civic agency must be realized through a confrontation of identity with a moving law and society.

Inquiry Questions:  click here.

Course Reader: Clash of the civilizations
Course Reader: Quest for legal sovereignty
Course Reader: Letter from a Birmingham jail
Course Reader: Law, Society & Justice with D+CPAR

Week 5

Course Reader:Politics of land reform
Course Reader:Meet Asmaa.

Click here for video.

Graded Discussion Questions: click here

Graded In Reflection: click here.

Week 6

Graded Reading Quiz 2  click here to take quiz

Please continue on to…

Section 3 Civic advocacy through critical modern problems.

Course Reader:Brown v. Board doll studies

Click here to view the Website to see the dolls.

Course Reader:Power of self-definition

Click here to view a short video of Dr. Patricia Hill-Collins

Week 7

Course Reader: Planned Parenthood v. Casey

Graded Assignment: tbd

Week 8

Course Reader: The modern clerkship Ginsberg
Course Reader: In those years with image
Course Reader: Declaration of Independence v Lincoln’s Portrait

Graded Discussion Questions: click here

Click here for Podcast with former KCC student and John Jay Alum.


You will pick two readings and one civic engagment activity to write a reflection piece with.

Week 9

Section 4   Civic advocacy through action research in the community.

Course Reader: Marbury v. Madison

Graded Assignment:  Advocacy & Peer Review: click here.

Podcast with KCC and John Jay Graduate Jazmin: click here

Week 10

Course Reader: Behavioral theory of organizations

Course Reader: Federalist paper 47

Week 11

Course Reader: Confronting class

Course Reader: If the war goes on

Course Reader: Plessy v. Ferguson

Week 12

Course Reader: Remix
Course Reader: 2011 Time person of the year
Course Reader: Looking for Palestine

Graded Assignment: Discussion Questions: click here.

Week 13

Concluding Materials Civic development from identity to advocacy through agency is democratic education for a diverse 21st century.

Course Reader: Sotomayor you have to work harder.

Click here for video.

Assignment: Final Essay Due